Monday, March 16, 2009

one changing call could make a difference

this blog is dedicated to a friend, IR

how to describe him ya? hmmm...he’s a family man, a good worker, a good fren, a good motivator, indeed.

siang ini gw terima telepon yang ga biasa dari IR. pertama dia ngucapin selamat ultah (like everyone's did), trus dia mulai encourage gw dengan kata2 yang bisa memotivasi even orang yang paling males kayak gw. he asked what is my wish , i said to him i was thinking to do something new -- don't want to work in banking biz anymore. he said, "rumput tetangga nggak selalu lebih hijau." emang sih...jujur aja, hari gini kalo offer di tempat laen beda2 tipis sama yang sekarang, terus terang gw males juga...dikasih dua kali lipet juga masih mikir. kayaknya banyak takutnya deh gw ini. i told him that i like writing, maybe i should do more work related to writing. my current job didn't even support & make me able to maximize my skill at all. i need to do something i like which is found to be my hobby, my desire...writing. sometimes i feel in my case, communication is better if it's doing in writing rather than speaking.

i've lotsa things in mind and it makes me sick not to throw it all. gw sering bengong (this is something that isn't easy to tell, banyak yg nggak sadar...even if you know me quite well) & i did that quite often, still until now. it's a sickness i can hide -- experience is the best since i'm not get used to share my feelings to others in a long long time....i put it on my note & then just forget it. sayang sekali...

i shared IR some of these stuffs. and he come up with ideas, i recap in 3 options, i.e.:
1: that i should keep doing my work, and also open to learn other skills, e.g. marketing, so it could become my added value. whenever the bank needs someone to replace one's position, i should be able to do it because i know what to do
2. consider to look other internal positions that suits my writing desire (as if there is :P)
3. i still working but also doing creative writings on my spare time. the first start is to blog, just like his friend did. IR' friend is used to tell his/her thoughts in his/her blog whenever he/she (maybe) watching or reading something. buat resensi gitu kali maksudnya ya. i supposed to skip lunch, or maybe have a quick2 lunch and get my spare time to do the writing & telling everything's on my mind like his friend did. just find some time to write a blog, at least 30mins a day, perhaps it could sharpen my skills. who knows that a year (or two) from now i could have my very first book.

(IR, when you read this, correct me if i'm wrong)

i chose the last option as i'm not interested in doing anything except writing, right now.

maybe for you it's just a simple thought that anyone could say, but living in this world where everyone's becoming selfish & seems don't care to others, hearing such thought would've been like having some fresh water in hot & dry desert. actually, i also thought about the option no. 3 yesterday, that's why i'm making this site...but when you're wishing of something you wanted so bad, didn't tell anyone except ur sis -- hearing someone thought the same way like you did + gave positive surely is encouraging.

i remember that almost 2 years ago, when IR was still working in the same dept with me, he told me that he'd like to have a job where he could meet lotsa new people, to encourage 'em & having friends with many positive persons. i concluded in 1 word, he wanted to be a motivator, it's his dreams i could remember. i asked today, "did you achieved what you wanted?" he answered "yes." he's currently working in financial insurance i supposed, but also giving lotsa encouragement to every friend in need.

to have a dream as a motivator, doesn't mean that you have to have your own tv show, or doing some motivational training in companies. you could do it no matter what you currently assigned on, you could make a change. that's something i learn from him today. if he could do it, why can't i?

thanks to IR for d call. when i'm able to launch my book, you'd be on my thanks list.

hmm, i think it's a good story to tell. one changing call could make a difference.

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