Sunday, March 29, 2009

gosip...gosip...& gosip

i'm just a regular girl with a simple life. i don't have a big secret, yet i kept many secrets of people surrounds me, but i remained silence. as a person whose part of the job is to keep lotsa secrets & to be silenced...i'm getting good at it.

never break the trust unless the person blows it out themselves or trusting me to do that.

gila, kesannya serem amat ya kerjaan gw...hehe..

btw, hari ini gw baru aja nonton confessions of a shopaholic. ternyata jalan ceritanya jauh beda sama bukunya. agak bingung juga nontonnya apalagi kalo berusaha nyama2in ceritanya...but i'm cool...the film was very entertaining.

pas nyampe rumah my hubby told me that someone from the past is gossiping something really really bad about my past. don't ask! gw bete banget n actually planning to clean my name by writing in this blog, but what's the one's gonna read it anyway.

my next plan is to write my story, in a book -- to clarify to the people & clean my name.

this is so unfair to me. gw biasa simpen rahasia orang, kiss & not tell...and now, someone's put someone's story & made it as if i did it. they didn't even know me. apalagi ini gosip yang nggak ada buktinya. ya jelas ga ada buktinya orang never ever happen (kesel mode: on)

man, saying lies & terrible things about someone's private life is so cheap. don't do that unless if you want to be treated that way too

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